Meet Francesca
Colourpuncturist, Herbalist, Iridologist & Naturopath
After obtaining a degree in biology at the University of Bath Spa, I qualified from the College of Naturopathic Medicine, London, in herbal medicine, naturopathy and iridology. My extensive training included elements of anatomy, physiology and pathology, Western and Eastern energetic diagnosis, Western herbal medicine touching on the North American, Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal traditions, iridology as a powerful diagnostic tool and naturopathic protocols. I then completed a diploma in Colourpuncture awarded by the Internationales Mandel Institut für Esogetische Medizin, Germany. I am a registered member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners and committed to continuous professional development, constantly updating my skills and knowledge. I work in partnership with the SEMI Academy, Italy, and MitoLife, Switzerland, involved in the production and supply of mitochondrial products, a new and powerful treatment involving the use of mitochondria to promote health in the body.
I adopt an eclectic approach in my practice, often using herbal medicine alongside colourpuncture, which makes a very successful combination to address the biochemical as well as emotional imbalances in the body. As a naturopath, I always see the person as a unit of body, mind and spirit, rather than a collection of symptoms. The word ‘health’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon ‘hale’, meaning ‘whole’. Being healthy does not just mean being symptom-free, but feeling one with ourselves, full of energy and emotionally balanced. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said that it is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. I am interested in hearing your story and what your health goals are. As a unique person, you will be given unique tools and advice on how to regain your wholeness: herbal remedies, naturopathic protocols, colourpuncture treatments can all help you regain your vibrant state of health.